Ente di Gestione per i Parchi e la Biodiversità-Delta del Po (DeltaPoER)

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The Po Delta Regional Park of Emilia Romagna was set up in 1988 through a special Regional Law and is part of the Protected Areas system of Emilia Romagna. The Park is divided into six “stations” around the southern area of the Po Delta, whose northern part belongs to the Veneto Region, along the coast of Ferrara and Ravenna and near Argenta.

In 1999 the northern part of the territory was included in the Unesco site as World Heritage “Ferrara, city of the Renaissance and its Po Delta”. In 2015 part of the whole Po Delta territory, located between the Regions Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, has obtained from Unesco the recognition of MaB – Man and the Biosphere. Until 2011 the Park was managed by a Consortium made up of the two Provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna and of nine Municipalities (Comacchio, Argenta, Ostellato, Goro, Mesola, Codigoro, Ravenna, Alfonsine, Cervia) whose borders fall within the Park. Since January 2012, according to Regional Law n. 24 of December 23, 2011, the Park has been managed by the Managing Body for Parks and Biodiversity–Po Delta”.

The Park carries out activities aimed at protecting biodiversity, scientific studies and surveys aimed at increasing naturalistic knowledge and activities aimed at teaching the value of biodiversity to new generations. The Park has also a consolidated and successful experience in managing international Projects, in particular in environmental protection and preservation of biodiversity. As for example, through the LIFE Project “Natura 2000 in the Po Delta”, ended in 2015, was produced the Comacchio Lagoons Managing Plan, that, according with the Habitat Directive and following national and regional laws, is the main managing reference for the conservation of this Natura 2000 site. Through the LIFE Project “Environmental Management and Conservation in Mediterranean salt works and coastal lagoons”, ended in 2017, were elaborated the guidelines for managing of seagull population and the saltworks managing model. 

Currently Po Delta Park is partner in other life projects as LIFEEL, for the conservation of silver eel, and LIFE PERDIX, for reintroduction of perdix perdix

Our Staff

Maria Pia Pagliarusco

Po Delta Park Director - Project coordinator

Francesco Goggi

Financial coordinator

Anna Gavioli

Technical reference